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Posts under ‘projects’

InFact News

if_thumbAn exercise in recombinant journalism by Chris Graves, David Newell, and myself. We developed a fictional web news site that would lift content from “legitimate” news sites and re-combine it into alternate stories. Since we took the content a sentence at a time, Each individual sentence (except for a very few thrown in by the software we developed, and all the titles) was a “true” piece of actual news. The recombination produced some hilarious, and occasionally truthful, results (see below).All of the content was generated completely on-the-fly, with no human intervention.

Chris and I did the programming, using a combination of PHP and MySQL, while Dave did the web design.



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Animated Leonardo bust

This was a project I did back in undergrad using ALICE. The model was created in pieces using 3d Studio Max, and the animations were all driven by code, triggered by various keypresses. See below for a video.

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Little Slave

My first exploration of arcade games as a medium. I wanted to create an experience that was the antithesis of the conventional game experience, emphasizing stillness and having a meditative mood. I built a mannequin into a conventional arcade game housing. When a user inserts a coin, a light comes on, and the mannquin begins to shake. There is a single button on the front of the box. Pushing it causes the mannequin to stop shaking, and a looping tape with sounds of bells and mules being driven is played. After a few minutes, the machine shuts down and awaits the next coin.

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